Sunday Morning Reading

When I first started by blog, back in 2017, I wrote a post about declaring “Quiet Book Time,” to calm chaotic moments in our home. Earlier this March, I wrote a post about the mayhem that ensues every Sunday morning as we prep for the week ahead. This Sunday was no different. So, I went back to what I know best and said, “Everyone get a book.”

As I prepped, cooked, and cleaned in the kitchen, everyone found a book and a spot to read. Rose snuggled into our patio couch, that we brought in as we await the delivery of a more permanent couch…shipping delays are very real! Her book of choice was The Cookie Fiasco, By Dan Santat. Rose is an animated storyteller and noisily retold the hilarious story of sharing cookies. She ran over to her sister’s at different times to share a detail from a drawing and then at the end to show me the page, where “they split the cookie up to solve all their problems!”

Wren chose the lone stool at our kitchen island. Again, we are awaiting additional stools. This seat has become a sought after spot in our kitchen and Wren’s favorite homework spot. Wren’s latest read is A Soft Place to Land, by Janae Marks. This book was a Christmas gift and just like her mom, Wren’s TBR pile is high and she is just getting to this one. As she read, we discussed the plot…about a young girl who has moved across town, she makes a new friend, and she hates her sister. We laughed at how relatable the story seemed.

Then there was Adi…who sat right in the kitchen, in front of the still warm oven-one of her favorite spots. No furniture necessary. Her book of choice was The Critter Club #5, by Callie Barkley. She has recently gotten hooked on the series and was eager to find out the stepsister drama promised in this edition. Adi read aloud, so as I listened, I was able to ask her what she thought might happen next as the author was clearly gearing up for the problem to be revealed.

Today’s quiet reading time added new elements to the busy that Sunday morning always promises. At least for twenty minutes this morning, my three girls were a little more contained and a tiny bit less loud.

11 thoughts on “Sunday Morning Reading

  1. So many more choices to spread out in the new house. I loved the pictures of each girl. My favorite time of the day was when we all read at the same time. I still make Nolan join me!


  2. I love how you interweave the books and their personalities. And I wonder if I could declare quiet reading time at my house? My boys are mostly nighttime readers… but I could fix that, right?


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