
For the last two years, all three of our girls have gone to school together. There has been a peace in knowing they are all in one place…together. This year, when Wren graduates from elementary school, it will be the last time they will ever all be in the same school.

When I graduated from sixth grade, I remember the tears I cried. I remember standing on the sidewalk, outside of the school I had attended for seven years, hugging my sixth-grade teacher and sobbing. Elementary school holds fond memories for me, as I know it will for my girls.

But when I think of Wren moving on to middle school, I am not sad for her. I’ve felt her readiness all year. She’s ready for independence and to broaden her knowledge and view of what school has to offer.

I am a little sad for my trio to be scattering and losing the peace of mind I have when I check in with myself daily, imagining them all under the same school roof. There have been many unexpected moments of joy their togetherness has brought our family these past two years. But alas, they are growing up…

12 thoughts on “Trio

  1. Such a gift to have had them together, under one roof! The appreciation for that gift and the gift of watching them grow shine here! Fantastic pic of the trio.❤️


  2. Oh, how I remember these days of children changing school buildings after feeling the peace when they were all under one roof. The morning ride changed drastically, as did the timeline for leaving home. They look happy and ready for the next step.

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  3. When did all this happen? Were my eyes closed? I find myself surprised again and again at how quickly other people’s children have grown! Of course I’m surrounded by growing children all year but to see your three as such fascinating and compelling individuals, beginning to branch out in new ways – I’m not ready! Happy transition wishes to all of you!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. They look like such fun! I felt this post in my bones as a 5th grade teacher. At this time of year, while I’m sad to see my students leave, I am ready for them to — and so are they! Ready to spread their wings and greet a new world, take on fresh challenges.

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  5. Buckle up! If you thought calendars and schedules, just wait until there are multiple schools and longer more frequent rehearsals. Your girls are growing up! And you’re a great mom to be cherishing so many of the moments!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. That picture! From everything you’ve written this year, it definitely sounds like Wren is ready; I bet you’ll be ready, too, by September. And look at them. Those girls can take on the world – together and on their own.

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