Mud Pies

Thank you for the rain. The left behind puddles have provided the perfect ingredients for mud pies, mud pudding, and mud soup.

Thank you for the sunshine that calls us outside. A change of scenery and a warmth that no furnace can provide.

Thank you for all of the signs that spring is near. The buds on the daffodils, the green plants pushing their way through the soil, and the birds singing their songs.

Thank you for the wind, that makes the air feel fresh and fills our lungs, reminding us that we are alive…and well.

Thank you for the reminder of all the beauty we are often too busy to see. Thank you for this moment to pause and take notice.

Master mud pie creator.
A fresh delivery of mud.

14 thoughts on “Mud Pies

  1. Thank you for the reminder to be thankful for the little things that make life worth living. Thank you for the joyful photos of your beautiful children. I needed this uplift today.


  2. Thank you for the wind, that makes the air feel fresh and fills our lungs, reminding us that we are alive- I kept just sitting on the porch last night to breath fresh air and then I went for a walk last night and felt thankful. Today’s weather should be better.


  3. Your thank yous remind me I can go get ready for spring…take out the spring wreath, porch chairs, etc. Thank you for the reminder for reminding me to pause and take it all in.


  4. It sounds like nature refreshes you just as it does me. I used to say a little “prayer” of thanks to all the natural beauty that surrounds us when we take a moment to look. Thanks for sharing.


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