
My two year blog anniversary is here. It’s no coincidence that it aligns with the launch of the March Slice of Life Challenge.

Two years ago, on February 28th, my friend and fellow coach, Erika, asked if I wanted to join. I can’t remember now if it was over the phone or in person, but I bet it was in a meeting. I can imagine Erika stealing a moment from one of our weekly coaching meetings (oh how I miss those!) to share this idea she had been thinking about. I picture her leaning in, her arms reaching out across the table-one hand on top of the other. Her eyes bright and focused right on me. Her excitement plastered on her face…This is her “I have an idea and I want you in on it with me” look- I’m familiar with this look.

I remember saying yes, let’s do it. Although, to be honest I really had no idea what I was saying yes to. I had seen those orange slice emblems pop up, connected to Two Writing Teachers, on social media. I never read those posts. That world was lost on me.

But then I did. I scoured the posts, overwhelmed by digesting the challenge, the forms, the blog creation… the fact that I’d be writing and sharing my words with the world every day… starting tomorrow!

Yesterday, readingteachsu shared how, three years ago, this writing challenge changed her life. In the comments, I agreed that my life has also changed.

Becoming a person that writes regularly has become a part of me. It has changed the way I look at the world, the way I interact with my friends and family, and the way I teach and coach.

I’m so proud to be part of this community. Honored to have made such friends in the process. I’m most proud that by sharing my story and what this space has given me, I have helped to bring others here, to share the gift.

Thank you Erika, for drawing me in and for all those walking beside me now. You are treasures.

15 thoughts on “Anniversary

  1. Wow, you’ll never regret accepting the invitation from your colleague and friend! Your post captures with heartfelt authenticity what writing can do for a life.


  2. I love that you jumped right in not really knowing what it would be like. I did the same in 2014. Little did I know how great it would be. I love that you had such a good coaching relationship too.


  3. Boy, do I know that feeling. I am jumping in with both feet for the first time this year. To say I am not worried or scared, is an understatement. Since I have followed the TWT for years and have enjoyed every post, I thought it was time to jump.

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  4. Happy Blog Anniversary, Jessica! I am grateful you took the challenge because I can’t imagine not knowing you and your girls and the wonders you’ve shared, or your beautiful, encouraging way of looking at the world. I, too, have been changed for the better by the Slicing experiences, as a writer and as a human being. “I am a part of all that I have met.” Our words have knit our hearts together here. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Happy Blogversary! it was sweet to read how your friend invited you to join SOLSC. From my perspective it was good that I didn’t know what it really was about when I started the first SOLSC, I would have chickened out.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Happy Anniversary! You’ve always been a writer – but going public with a blog and committing to that public way is, as you so beautifully put, life changing! Yay for you and Erika for taking the leap together. Watching you, reading your work enticed me to take the leap, too! Thanks for sharing!


  7. Thanks for paving the way. Your writing is changing lives (your own and others’), and so is your example. Plus, you’re creating this amazing gift for your children…and grandchildren…


  8. I’m so glad Erika invited you and that you said yes. When I started last year, you became one of my virtual mentors – and, of course, I love reading your posts 🙂


  9. Happy 2 years- congrats! I’m a first timer and my hope is that I will have a meaningful experience like you have these past 2 years. I’m already feeling the positive vibes from this community and look forward to more to come!


  10. I also had a few friends twist my arm to join them on this daily writing journey. With their support, I was able to finish year one and now I am also embarking on year 2. Happy Blogversary!


  11. Thank you for this beautiful compliment. I may have had the idea, but you have been the person who has stayed my my side and kept me true to my dream of being a person who writes on a regular basis. That’s why I feel so blessed to have you as both a colleague and a friend. You are the kind of person who is positive, supportive, encouraging, smart, and just a fantastic all around person. I also feel blessed to have joined this amazing community of writers. It takes a village!


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