One Year Ago…

One year ago, I jumped in without knowing what I was jumping into. Could I do it? Did I have anything to say? Would people care? I haven’t missed a chance to slice yet. Thirty one days in March and 52 Tuesdays. 93 published posts in all. I’m pretty proud of that data.

One year filled with opportunities to find joy. To notice. To write.

One year of my life documented. My thoughts, ideas, and small moments finding their way into other’s lives.

One year to make connections. A community of strangers, colleagues, and friends. Opportunities to share great thinking and ideas. Conversations started based on the words of others.

One year of spreading joy. Our district now has at least six adult Slice of Lifers and this year we extended the challenge to our fifth graders. More than fifteen students have created blogs and are all ready to go.

As my friend Dawn says, “Let’s see what happens next!”


24 thoughts on “One Year Ago…

  1. Yahoo! Good for you! I love the pacing of this slice. Cool that you have other adults in your district slicing. I have invited my third graders to slice along with me each year and I am always interested in what results.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Our virtual friendship is one of the highlights of my year. It will be nice to know we will both be in the crowd Saturday. I’ll be looking for you. If found, we will hug. You keep me going in hard weeks and celebrate with me in happiness. Xxoo

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yes, yes, to spreading the joy! You do this so well, Jessica – your passion for the craft is contagious. I count you as one of the joys of this whole experience and it delights me that we took the first plunge at the same time, last year. Happy SOL anniversary 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  4. This is great to read for someone starting out. Thanks for introducing it that way, it caught my attention right away 🙂 I’m so glad your small moment found it’s way into my life today. And your stats are very inspiring!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Love the poetic feel to this slice! The lead filled with questions put doubt in my mind and with each paragraph, the doubt faded like the dark fades each morning! The ending keeps it open to possibility! Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m just starting out with blogging and thought #SOL18 was a great way to jump in! I love the message of your slice! It gives me hope that I will find my footing with writing publicly!


  7. “I’m pretty proud of that data.” I love that line. I often don’t think of myself as a data person, but there is something sturdy about it. That sounds so cool to say 31 daily posts and 52 weekly slices. It gives me something to shoot for, but I’m going to have to make great strides in my efficiency.
    This has a great rhythm. It’s not a regular rhythm, which might be boring. Instead it’s a rhythm with variety…kind of like a year.

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    1. It’s kind of fun to have someone find something in your writing. I’m not thoughtful with techniques- I just write. You make it feel smarter- more intentional. It also makes me look at my writing differently. For that, I thank you.


  8. Happy Anniversary! I love the enthusiasm and joy in this piece. I can easily see how you’ve influenced others to become Slicers. I love reading your Tuesday posts and look forward to reading your daily entries this month.


  9. Oh I so wish I had adults in my “real life” who slice, or for that matter, who even write! What a gift. Happy blogversary! You are a very disciplined slicer – you should be proud of those stats! Happy March and here’s to another year!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. You should be proud of those numbers – especially when you take a moment to consider how busy your life is! I’ve been so inspired by you as we have sliced together this past year! I’m looking forward to our next year of slicing.


  11. Your post today is reassuring as I am standing in your year old shoes. I am questioning myself wondering if by adding just one more thing to my plate, which is completely out of my comfort zone, will cause me more stress or will be therapeutic. Only one way to find out!

    Liked by 1 person

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