
Tomorrow is my mom’s birthday and so it is time for her annual birthday slice since her birthday falls in March. For the last few years, I’ve leaned on my children to help, sharing their own stories and favorite moments with my mom. But I’ve had some of my own thoughts swimming around in my head about my mom lately.

At our house, we’re in the stage of life where we are constantly moving. We live by the calendar to keep track of all the moving parts and coordinate drop offs and pickups-who needs what. How will dinner fit in?

Recently, all of the juggling to accommodate my three kids and their schedules feels thankless. They don’t always realize the work and effort that goes into getting them to and from school and all of their activities. They often complain about dinner. “The crockpot again?” My most repeated line these days is, “I’m doing my best.” There are many days where my best doesn’t feel good enough. Sometimes, I just want my kids to realize that everything I do is because I love and care about them so much.

This brings me back to my mom. I look back at my childhood and all of the ways my mom took care of me and my siblings. She was a stay at home mom and literally, everything she did was for us. I’ve been peeking back at the days of my own afterschool activities, playdates, and school activities. I see the clean laundry that was always ready when I needed it and the packed lunches. I can hear myself complaining about little things, huffing and puffing and holding grudges.

I didn’t notice or say thank you enough.

Today, my heart spills for gratitude for all of the sacrifices and little things I once took for granted. I now know how my mom must have felt and, while it may be too late, I hope she knows I see her.

Thank you mom. I love you.

10 thoughts on “Gratitude

  1. Happy birthday to your mom! I can’t imagine how much she’ll enjoy this post! And yes, you are at the stage of VERY full days. You’ll look back on it and be like wow, how did I do that? I bet the girls will get there, as well– faster than you think.


  2. Aw- happy birthday to your mom. Your appreciation for her juxtaposed with your honesty about how you feel you’re doing as a mom is so spot on. And, you are doing great I am sure! I wonder what your children will say on your birthday years from now and bet it will be full of gratitude as well.


  3. Great post, and never too late. I’ve been thinking similar thoughts and feeling the need to express appreciation, too. It does often take time and a perspective shift or experience shift to see how someone sacrificed to provide. Happy Birthday to your mom.

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