While You Were Flying…

I know I left some of you hanging after my post about my husband’s passport conundrum last week. He DID get his passport and he left for Singapore Friday evening. This afternoon, I texted him, “We’ve lived a very full day while you’ve been flying…”Which I thought would make for a great Slice of Life.

While you’ve been flying…

We packed the car for a quick out of state roadtrip for Wren’s dance competition.

I picked up reinforcement, our sister-in-law Molly, so that I had an extra set of hands.

We drove two hours, some of that time on dark backroads because Waze was avoiding something on the highway.

Promptly after checking into the hotel, we found our room, quickly changed into bath suits and joined the rest of the dance studio at the pool.

After a little more than thirty minutes of swimming, we lured three kids away from the pool and their friends…

Only to have to console an overtired Rose, wrapped in a towel and dripping wet, when she lost her marbles in the hotel lobby.

We returned to the hotel room to duke out who got to shower first and who would get to sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag. Molly and I were not part of the duking, in case you were wondering.

We got three tired girls showered and then dried and straightened the overgrown head of hair of one of them.

We slept for nearly eight full hours before waking up, getting everyone dressed and ready for the day. That included a full face of makeup and false eyelashes for Wren. We were all packed up and set to go before 7am.

We transported all of our bags to the parking lot across the street, before returning to the hotel for a quick breakfast.

We trekked across the street to the location of the dance competition, with snacks and plenty of activity books ready to go.

We observed, fed, and cheered on plenty of dancers while orchestrating three quick costume changes over the span of four hours.

Next, it was time to rally three exhausted kids for lunch before making the journey home.

During lunch, we ordered more food than anyone could possibly eat, in an effort to keep everyone happy. Service was slow, so we said, “sit in your seat,” more times than can be counted before giving up and letting Adi sit under the table.

After lunch, we walked to Starbucks for a much needed caffeine fix, before heading back to the car.

We drove for one hour and forty six minutes, the gas tank dangerously low, eager to get home. The ride was unusually quiet while some of the girls fell asleep and others appeared to be in a daze….

Until, we hit our hometown and Rose woke and decided to spend the rest of the ride screaming irrationally.

We stopped Molly off and once again consoled Rose so that we could just go home.

But, we did stop for gas because…you know me-I don’t live dangerously and the gas tank situation was really bugging me.

We pulled into the driveway and all of the girls went inside, leaving me with all the bags to carry in. But, they were quiet, so I let them be.

I unpacked, did laundry, folded laundry, walked the dog, and wrote this account of the last 20 hours without you.

While you’ve been flying….

We’ve missed you and wish you were here.

12 thoughts on “While You Were Flying…

  1. Flight’s to Singapore define long haul! I love living here and will be miss the little red dot at year’s end. Your post captures so much about the waiting when a loved one is enroute far and away. I hope he made it safely and enjoys his time here!


  2. Love this format. Dreaming of ways I can immolate it. Your 24 hours sounds exhausting and points to your superpowers.


  3. The craziness of any kind of competition/sporting event with our kids comes across in this. I never had to take all three kids. I can’t imagine! I always found these trips not only physically exhausting but mentally because there was a big parent social piece to it as well, and I would rather be tucked in a corner reading! Safe travels to Arnauld.


  4. You picked a fabulous structure and really told each scene perfectly. I celebrated when you got to the pool, I cringed when Rose lost her marbles, I breathed a sigh of relief at the gas station and enjoyed the silence as you unpacked, finally home. It’s amazing what you did… while Arnauld was flying.


  5. One of the great things about this structure is that the repetition helps us become immersed in the busy-ness. You captured the ups and downs of a trip with kids, and I hate to say it but my favourite parts were probably your least favourite: Rose losing her marbles in the lobby, Adi sitting under the table, Rose screaming irrationally for the last part of the trip home while you are low on gas and Arnauld is en route… something about this, held together with love and joy, is incredibly real and relatable. Sounds like a good day. Glad you wrote about it.


  6. Oh, the dance competitions– the pools, the meals, the hotels, the hair, the costumes, the eyelashes… all of it! Loved that you and Molly were not part of duking it out, as well as the photos capturing the weekend. I bet Arnauld (sp?) will appreciate all of this, as well.


  7. Wow. That was a day…and a half. I loved that you were able to find the humor in the craziness. I also like how the gas tank issues bring us back to the passport issues. I hope you don’ t have too many plans for today.


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