
I started my day in the reading room. I start most days there, catching up, sharing ideas, and dreaming with my pals, Dawn and Ashley. “Did you read Susan Kennedy’s post ( Excuses, Excuses ) today?” Dawn asked. I nodded. Susan has become our Slice of Life friend over the years. “It was just so good and real,” Dawn remarked.

I went on to tell Dawn and Ashley about how Susan’s post made me think about a read aloud I had done the day before. I had read the first graders in our class, Mo Willems’, City Dog, Country Frog. Several students are big Piggie and Elephant fans, so I warned them that this was a different kind of book for Mo Willems. Piggie and Elephant always seem silly to me (in a genius way)- the characters in seemingly ordinary situations, reacting with big emotions. City Dog, Country Frog feels more serious, with its watercolor drawings and familiarity of events shared between two friends through the seasons.

After reading City Dog, Country Frog, Theo said, “That book was just like Piggie and Elephant. Mo Willems writes friendship stories. Piggie and Elephant are best friends too.”

I grinned.

Kids are amazing.

So is friendship.

10 thoughts on “Friendship

  1. This is great, the way a slice led to a conversation and led you to a book, and your own slice…and just so you know, has also led me back to my old welcome wagoner friend’s slice. Great chain reactions from friends (who, in my case, are better than us).


  2. Aw! What would we do without our friends. I feel as you do that slicing has introduced me to many virtual friends.
    I love how the kids picked up on the friendship between Piggy and Elephant. Hooray for all friendships!


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