Does it exist?

I dream of a place where passion is so thick, it’s contagious. Where you’re left no other choice but to be inspired to continuously reach and grow.

I dream of a place where the reward is the difference you make- the lives you touch.

I dream of a place where together is always better than on your own. Where people come together to dream up solutions to problems, both big and small.

I dream of a place where you always do what’s right, because it’s right. Not because someone told you to or it’s on the test- but because you just have a feeling.

I dream of a place filled with joy. Joy in the journey, the celebrations and bumps in the road. Joy in the messy and unknown. Joy in being present.

I dream of a place that people are excited to come to and be a part of. Pride, community, and purpose oozing from the walls.

I dream of a place that’s all about the kids. Politics and budgets pushed to the side to make room for what really matters- the business of growing good people.

Does this place exist? If so, please let me know where to forward my resume.

10 thoughts on “Does it exist?

  1. I share your dreams – I share your vision! You do exactly what Michelle does – YOU work each and every day to create this dream and share the vision with every person you come in contact with. YOU have made a difference, sometimes the difference is invisible, you have to just believe in the dream!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is the perfect post for this point in the year when there are mixed feelings of excitement and anxiety. As the year is coming to a close, we are all trying to fit that one last thing in, and before you know it, we string a bunch of those “one last things” together!

    I love the image of “Pride, community, and purpose oozing from the walls.” Thank you for writing this reflection and for sharing your dream. I will keep these words at the center of all choices I make as we close out the year!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I dream too, and although I find myself disappointed at times, I believe that if we keep dreaming and working hard (and together) to make the dream a reality, it will happen. I love the line – make room for what really matters, the business of growing good people. That is what we are here to do!

    Liked by 1 person

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